Learning Trunks

Reduce Your Workload

GOAL #1 Workload is the main reason people leave any profession! Tech can help - find out how with our FREE workouts!

Reduce Your Workload

By Sonny Sharma
13 Learning Bursts

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Find out what TikTok is all about

A quick overview of TikTok.

Find out what TikTok is all about

By The Spongy Elephant Team
1 Learning Burst

Teens love TikTok, the popular lip-syncing app. Find...

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6 Things Parents Should Know About Discord

Get a quick overview of Discord

6 Things Parents Should Know About Discord

By The Spongy Elephant Team
1 Learning Burst

Like other social networks, Discord can be iffy...

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Truth About Tech: Solutions for Digital Well-Being

How do we create a future where technology works in service to well-being, and where the internet is a healthy place for kids?

Truth About Tech: Solutions for Digital Well-Being

By The Spongy Elephant Team

Technology is a powerful tool that has forever...

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Global Goals

The World’s Largest Lesson introduces the Sustainable Development Goals to children and young people everywhere!

Global Goals

By The Spongy Elephant Team

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A Free Parent’s Guide

Malicious internet challenges are going nowhere! Get savvy and protect your children in under 9 mins! #keepsafe

A Free Parent’s Guide

By The Spongy Elephant Team

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What is digital mothering?

The Open University’s lecturer in psychology Lisa Lazard discusses some of the motivations mothers have for sharing images online

What is digital mothering?

By The Spongy Elephant Blog
1 Learning Burst

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Can a computer be your therapist?

Can "e-therapies" be beneficial to those experiencing psychological issues, particularly young people?

Can a computer be your therapist?

By The Spongy Elephant Blog
1 Learning Burst

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Junk Food Marketing to Kids Online

Beware the junk food marketer with their hashtags, games and sponsored tweets!

Junk Food Marketing to Kids Online

By The Spongy Elephant Blog
3 Learning Bursts

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Childhood in the Digital Age

Are you a technology optimist or a technology pessimist?

Childhood in the Digital Age

By davidpaice
5 Learning Bursts

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Contextual Safeguarding

By davidpaice
7 Learning Bursts

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Tips & Tricks on Data Protection

"This is a boardroom issue and it is imperative that businesses minimise data vulnerabilities" ICO #data #protect

Tips & Tricks on Data Protection

By The Spongy Elephant Team
1 Learning Burst

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Unconscious Bias

Unconscious bias occurs when people favour others who look like them and/or share their values.

Unconscious Bias

By Spongy Elephant Associates
13 Learning Bursts

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Diversity and Equality

Essential Guide to Promoting Equality And Diversity In Schools #equality

Diversity and Equality

By Spongy Elephant Associates
8 Learning Bursts

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Keeping Children Safe in Education

Everyone who works with children in schools needs to understand the new statutory guidance. We make it easy for you to do so!

Keeping Children Safe in Education

By Spongy Elephant Associates
15 Learning Bursts

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Mental Health & Wellbeing

Support and nurture mental health and wellbeing for the young people in your school.

Mental Health & Wellbeing

By Spongy Elephant Associates
13 Learning Bursts

All of us have mental health and, like...

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UK GDPR in Education

Understanding the UK GDPR is a #wholeschool requirement. This GDPR workshop is now the UK's most popular!

UK GDPR in Education

By Spongy Elephant Associates
15 Learning Bursts

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