What will I learn?
✓ You will discover how to ensure your children use Minecraft safely
✓ You will get some really useful tips and tricks around how Minecraft works
✓ You will grow your confidence in a game played by millions of young children
✓ You will learn how to fee more knowledgeable about this topic and area moving forwards
This Learning Trunk covers...
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Next Steps - Parent's Guides
Feeling more informed? What next?
10 Things you should know about Minecraft…
Now we know this video is old, however, it sums up Minecraft really well (2m32s)
What do you need to know about Minecraft as a parent?
An excellent video from Smarter Parenting on this global phenomena and the impact on young children. This video focuses on the PE edition which you find tablets and smartphones
A head bopping guide to Minecraft…
So this is more about giving you the language around the game as well as providing some safety tips (5m36s)
Why children should play Minecraft
This video presents the case for why Minecraft is a good influence on young children - well worth a watch (7m39s)
Understand Minecraft from the perspective of a young person
William clearly loves Minecraft - can he convince you... :) (2m11s)
A short overview of the popular game Minecraft by CAP
Understand more about the world of Minecraft in under 2 minutes!
Is Minecraft Safe for Kids?
The big question is ... is it safe? This is focussed on Pocket Edition (2m)
Minecraft Child Safety and Multiplayer Online – This guy is in the know!
Playing online in realms and servers means some bigger safety concerns - get savvy! (9m)
Minecraft parental controls step-by-step guide
A short and useful guide by Internet Matters (under 1 minute - so worth watching!)
Parent’s Guide to Minecraft
131 million people enjoy #Minecraft - how much do you know about the game every child eventually plays? Here is the guide you've been looking for!
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