So we all know Scratch, the now infamous cat created by the amazing people at MIT to get kids coding with blocks before jumping into textual coding. With Scratch you can program your own interactive stories, games, and animations — and share your creations with others in the online community.
We’ll be building our own content for teachers soon, however, in the meantime, we’ve got the best videos to get you going with some of the tutorials that will build confidence.
What are you going to learn about?
In this FREE Learning Trunk, you’ll learn how Scratch works and how to make the best use of it for lessons. You’ll learn how to make some simple games and understand the importance of debugging and creating basic algorithms before you get coding with pupils.
Who is hosting this Learning Trunk?
This is a CURATED Learning Trunk built for you from content sourced online. We have selected these particular videos after reviewing several available online.
How long do I need?
Less than 15 minutes.
Anything else I need to know?
We have set this Learning Trunk so that you progress through each video in any order.