GarageBand by Apple is what has turned bedroom musicians into superstars! GarageBand puts instruments, effects and all the tools you’d expect from the world’s best music tool in the hands of even the least musically trained. Whether you are plugging in a guitar, recording a podcast or creating the next hit dance track, GarageBand is the place to do it.
What are you going to learn about?
In this FREE Learning Trunk, you’ll learn how GarageBand works and how to get the most out of it during lessons.
Who is hosting this Learning Trunk?
This is a CURATED Learning Trunk built for you from content sourced online. We have selected these particular videos after reviewing several available online. Our star in this one is Mike Russell who really knows his stuff when it comes to audio production. You can find him at
How long do I need?
Less than 35 minutes.
Anything else I need to know?
We have set this Learning Trunk so that you progress through each video in any order.